Page 11 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 11

process of percep on, the objects of percep on and the instruments

      of percep on and ac on. We need the help of the Lord for any ac on
      either good or bad. Therefore, “man proposes and God disposes.” This
      means the living en ty desires and God helps him a ain his desires to
      the  measure  that he  deserves according  to previous  karma.  At  all
       mes the Lord is the maintainer of the living en  es.

      Bhak vedanta Swami Prabhupada eloquently explains the rela onship

      of the living en ty and Lord Krishna, who is the ul mate well-wisher.
      “The fact is that every individual living en ty is eternally part and par-
      cel of the Supreme Lord, and both of them are very in mately related

      as friends. But the living en ty has the tendency to reject the sanc on
      of the Supreme Lord and act independently in an a empt to dominate
      nature, and because he has this tendency he is called the marginal en-
      ergy of the Supreme Lord. The living en ty can be situated either in the
      material energy or in the spiritual energy. As long as he is condi oned

      by the material energy, the Supreme Lord, as his friend, the Supersoul,
      stays  with him  just  to get  him  to return  to  the  spiritual energy.  The
      Lord is always eager to take him back to the spiritual energy, but due
      to his minute independence the individual en ty is con nually rejec ng
      the  associa on  of  spiritual  light.  This  misuse  of  independence  is  the
      cause of his material strife in the condi oned nature. The Lord, there-

      fore, is always giving instruc on from within and from without. From
      without  He  gives  instruc ons  as  stated  in  Bhagavad-gītā,  and  from
      within He tries to convince the living en ty that his ac vi es in the ma-
      terial field are not conducive to real happiness. “Just give it up and turn
      your faith toward Me. Then you will be happy,” He says. Thus the intel-

      ligent person who places his faith in the Paramātmā or the Supreme
      Personality of Godhead begins to advance toward a blissful eternal life
      of knowledge.” (Bg 13.23 – purport)

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