Page 8 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 8

creatures, the brāhmaṇas and the cows, must be given all protec on –

     that  is  real  advancement  of  civiliza on.  In  modern  human  society,
     spiritual knowledge is neglected, and cow killing is encouraged. It is to
     be  understood,  then,  that  human  society  is  advancing  in  the  wrong
     direc on and is clearing the path to its own condemna on. A civiliza on
     which  guides  the  ci zens  to  become  animals  in  their  next  lives  is
     certainly not a human civiliza on. The present human civiliza on is, of
     course, grossly misled by the modes of passion and ignorance. It is a very
     dangerous age, and all na ons should take care to provide the easiest
     process,  Krishṇa  consciousness,  to  save  humanity  from  the  greatest
     danger.” (Bg 14.16)

            Ignorance  of  the  laws  of  material  nature  and  the  principles  of
     righteous  living  (Dharma)  as  explained  in  detail  in  the  Bhagavad‐gita
     have catastrophic consequences for individuals and society. There are
     five categories of ci zens in a state that must be protected for society to
     func on in accordance with the laws of nature. They are saintly persons
     who  consistently  live  in  the  mode  of  goodness  or  transcendental
     goodness, children, women, the elderly, and cows. The mistreatment of
     any  or  all  of  these  persons  results  social  instability,  violence,  war,
     pes lence and many more calami es.


            The  ancient  Vedic  scriptures  praise  the  miraculous  quali es  of
     the  substances  produced  naturally  by  an  Indian  cow.  All  pure  bred
     Indian cow breeds are excep onal. Special importance is given to the
     Gujara  Gyr breed.

            All pure bred Indian cows’ natural substances have the poten al
     to cause miraculous healing and nutri on. The Vedic literatures like the
     Atharva Veda, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita praise the beneficial
     effects of the Indian cow substances.

            “  T  h  e     gavya or natural substances of the Indian cow breeds like
     milk, yogurt, ghee, urine, dung, and others such as ash from the dung,
     etc.,  are  pure  and  medicinal.  They  impart  strength  to  the  heart  and
     brain,  improve  memory,  intelligence,  increase  life  span,  detoxify  the

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