Page 4 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 4

Vrindaban,  I  shall  advise  you  not  to  make  it  very  much

            modernized. But as you are American boys, you must make it just
            suitable  to  your  minimum  needs.  Not  to  make  it  too  much
            luxurious as generally Europeans and Americans are accustomed.
            Be er  to  live  there  without  modern  ameni es.  But  to  live  a
            natural healthy life for execu ng Krishna Consciousness.
             It  may  be  an  ideal  village  where  the  residents  will  have  plain
            living and high thinking. For plain living we must have sufficient
            land for raising crops and pasturing grounds for the cows. If there
            is  sufficient  grains  and  produc on  of  milk,  then  the  whole
            economic  problem  is  solved.  You  do  not  require  any  machines,
            cinema, hotels, slaughterhouses,
            brothels, nightclubs‐‐all these modern ameni es.
             People  in  the  spell  of  maya  are  trying  to  squeeze  out  gross
            pleasure from the senses, which is not possible to derive to our
            heart's  content.  Therefore  we  are  confused  and  baffled  in  our
            a empt to derive eternal pleasure from gross ma er. Actually,
            joyful life is on the spiritual pla orm, therefore we should try to
            save our valuable  me from material ac vi es and engage them
            for Krishna Consciousness.
             But  at  the  same   me,  because  we  have  to  keep  our  body  and
            soul  together  to  execute  our  mission,  we  must  have  sufficient
            (not extravagant) food to eat, and that will be supplied by grains,
            fruits, and milk if you can develop this place to that ideal life and
            the residents become ideal Krishna Conscious men, in that part of
            your  country,  I  think  not  only  many  philosophically  minded
            people will be a racted, but they will be benefited also.
             The difficulty  is that the people  in this  country, they  want to
            con nue  their  prac ce  of  sense  gra fica on,  and  at  the  same
             me  they  want  to  become  transcendentally  advanced.  This  is
            quite  contradictory.  One  can  advance  in  transcendental  life  by
            process  of  nega va ng  (nega ng) general prac ce of
            materialis c life.
             The exact adjustment is in Vaisnava philosophy, which is called
            Yukta  Vairagya,  means  that  we  should  simply  accept  the  bare
            necessi es of our material part of life, and try to save  me for
            spiritual advancement should be the mo o of New Vrindaban, if
            you at all develop it to the perfec onal stage. And I am always at

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