Page 12 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 12

an electric generator to produce electricity. Its manure is used as a

         natural  fer lizer.  When  pure  ghee  is  poured  on  a  cow  dung  fire,
         oxygen is released into the atmosphere.

         U  r  i  n  e     (  गोमू ): Cow's urine has been  described  in Ayurveda  as a
         therapeu c  agent.  The  use  of  cow  urine  therapy  is  a  tradi onal
         ayurvedic  prac ce.  It  is  gaining  recogni on  and  acceptability
         throughout the world due to recent advances in research. Cow urine
         is very useful for curing Jaundice.

         Gavyam  pavitram  ca  rasayanam  ca  pathyam  ca  hrdyam  balam
         buddhi syata
         Aayuh pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata

         “Cow  urine is  great  elixir,  good  for  stomach  disorders,  pleasing  to
         the heart, the giver of mental and physical strength, and enhances
         longevity.  It  removes  all  blood  disorders.  It  balances  bile,  mucous
         and  airs  and  is  a  remover  of  heart  disease  and  counter  acts  the
         effect of poison.”

         Cow urine has 5 tastes i.e. bi er, hot (as in chilly), sour, sweet and
         salty.  It  promotes  the  mode  of  goodness  (sa va  guna).  It  brings
         goodness in thoughts. By drinking it regularly for six months, man’s
         nature  comes  in  the  mode  of  goodness.  It  destroys  the  mode  of
         passion  and  ignorance.  It  purges  out  toxins  from  the  whole  body
         through  urine,  swea ng  and  stool.  It  helps  to  cure  psychological
         diseases.  It is  unfortunate that  people are exploi ng the cow to
         obtain products such as its skin, meat, fat, blood and bone instead of
         it milk, urine and dung which are all poten ated by the gyr cow’s
         ability to capture the energy of the sun with its unique hump in a
         similar  way  as  photosynthesis  in  plants.  The  sun  emits  many
         varie es of rays. There are three main categories noted by ancient
         Indian  texts:  heat,  nourishment,  and  a  mysterious  ray  or  energy
         called Gau Kiran in Sanskrit. Human being can benefit from the first
         two categories of rays. However, only the Gyr cow and other pure
         bred Indian cows with a hump are capable of capturing assimilate
         and benefit from the Gau Kiran energy, which enters the cow’s body
         through its unique hump and is harvested by the Surya Ketu nerve

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