Page 14 - Ananda Mela 2017 eBook
P. 14

Phenol,2,4‐bis(1, 1‐dimethylephyl) ‐ An intermediate in synthesis of

            UV stabilizers or an oxidants
         Benzamide  ‐ for relief of hypertension, asthma, renal and peripheral
         circulatory disturbances
         Ethanone 1,2‐diphenyl ‐  an intermediate that helps the body produce
         hypno c and an convulsant compounds
         The Surya Ketu Vein, by interac ng with solar rays produces gold salts
         in the cow’s blood. These salts are present in the cow’s milk and the
         cow’s other bodily fluids. Vedic cow’s milk, bu er and ghee have a
         golden hue.

         C  o  w     u  r  i  n  e   is called Go Mutra or Go Ark in India. When it is filtered
         and  dis lled  it  can  be  used  to  improve  or  cure  a  large  number  of
         ailments. Go Mutra contains carbolic acid which is an ‐germicidal in
         ac on.  This  is  why  it  purifies  and  has  cleansing  ac on.  The  ancient
         Vedic  scriptures  considered  Go  Mutra  as  pure.  Modern  scien fic
         techniques  have  proved  the  presence  in  cow  urine  of  phosphates,
         nitrogen, urea, uric acid, potassium and sodium. During the lacta on
         period of a cow, its urine also contains lactose which has the capacity
         to improve heart and mental ailments. Go Mutra can do the following
         things:  balance  cholesterol  levels,  an  efficient  an ‐bacterial  agent,
         reduce body fat, increase white blood cells (white blood cells play an
         important  role  in  the  immune  system  by  protec ng  the  body  from
         infec ous  agents), func on as  an oxidant which delays  ageing
         process, serves as a detox agent which is effec ve to neutralize the
         toxicity  caused  by  modern  drugs  and  toxic  treatments  like
         chemotherapy  and  radia on  therapy.  It  is  employed  to  cure
         respiratory disorders and regenerate damaged cells and  ssues.

         The cow whose Go Mutra is to be consumed should be young and
         healthy.  It  should  be  fed  essen ally  on  natural  grass  that  grows  in
         pastures. One must filter the cow urine through thin, clean natural
         cloth before consuming it on an empty stomach early in the morning.
         One should not eat anything for one hour a er taking it. Taking in of
         Gau Mutra by women during menstrua on gives them strength and
         peace. One should take Go Mutra with the advice of an experienced
         Ayurvedic prac  oner.

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