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conut and water. When suitably mixed and used as an organic fer-
     tilizer for crops, it has demonstrated very positive effects such as
     increased yield, better root and leaf development.

     The individual ingredients of panchagavya also have their benefi-
     cial effects. Milk, ghee and yogurt provide all the nutrition neces-
     sary for maintaining health and vitality for human beings. Bhaktive-
     danta Swami Prabhupada has explained the physical and spiritual
     benefits of pure cow milk in traditional Vedic society.

     “The Vedic civilization, the brahmanas, they used to live in the for-
     est, and the king would offer them some cows. So they will draw
     some milk. And in the forest there are fruits, so they will eat fruits
     and  milk.  And  if  the  disciples  go  to  the  village,  beg  some  food
     grain, then sometimes they cook some food grains. Otherwise the
     brahmanas used to live in the forest, drink milk and take fruit. That
     is sufficient. There was no need of jumping here and there. Any-
     where you keep cows. And what cows to maintain? No expendi-
     ture. The fruits? The skin thrown away, and the cow will eat. And
     in exchange it will give you nice foodstuff, milk. Or it will eat in the
     grazing ground, some grass. So there is no expenditure of keeping
     cows, but you get the best food in the world. The proof is that the
     child  born  simply  can  live  on  milk.  That  is  the  proof.  So  anyone
     can live only on milk. If you have got the opportunity to drink one
     pound  milk  maximum,  not  very  much  --  half-pound  is  sufficient;
     suppose one pound -- then you don't require any other foodstuff.
     Only this cow's milk will help you. It is so nice. And it gives very
     nice brain, not pig's brain. So it is so important thing. Other..., why
     Krsna  says  go-raksya  (protect  cows)?  He  did  not  say  that  "pig-
     raksya."  No.  "Dog-raksya."  No.  Now  they  are  interested  in  dog-
     raksya instead of cow-raksya. This is the civilization. They'll spend
     millions  of  dollars  for  dog,  not  for  cow.”  (Lecture  SB
     6.1.21 Honolulu, May 21, 1976)

     The following list are some of ghee’s beneficial qualities: Ghee has
     a high smoke point (250 °C or 482 °F), one can cook and fry with
     ghee and it will not break down into free radicals like many other
     oils, it does not spoil easily because of its minimal content of wa-
     ter, it is not likely to affect people with a dairy or casein intolerance
     if  opne  drinks  type  A-2  milk,  ghee  is  rich  in  the  oil  soluble  vita-

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