Page 6 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 6

Prof. Hopkins: You see as the same.
      Prabhupada: Vitoba means Vishnu. They call Vitoba.
      Prof. Hopkins: And the Alavars, the Alavars of Tamil Nadu.

      Prabhupada: Alavar.
      Prof. Hopkins: Alavar.
      Prabhupada: Yes. That is also Vaishnava.
      Prof. Hopkins: You would accept their teachings also?
      Prabhupada: Oh yes.
      Prof. Hopkins: So the real ques on then is Vaishnavas and others
      Prabhupada: Yes.
      Prof. Hopkins: The central teaching...
      Prabhupada: Vaishnava and non-Vaishnava.
      Prof. Hopkins: Vaishnava and non-Vaishnava. So it's not a ques on of

      sectarian  differences  within  Vaishnavism.  (break)  And  you  would  see
      the worshipers of Siva as impersonalists?
      In this conversa on with Professor Hopkins, Srila Prabhupada unequiv-
      ocally  states  that  there  cannot  be  any  difference  philosophically  be-
      tween the Sri Vaisnavas and the Gaudiya Vaisnavas because both Cai-
      tanya Mahaprabhu and Ramanujacarya preach that Krishna is the Su-
      preme Lord. This is confirmed by Ramanujacarya himself in his intro-
      duc on to his book en tled the Bhagavad-gita Bhasya, Commentary to

      the Bhagavad-gita.  Ramanujacarya writes:
      “The  Supreme  Lord  Krishna  whose  expansions  and  incarna ons  have
      their  abode  in  the  transcendental  celes al  firmament  known  as
      Vaikuṇṭha,  which  is  indestruc ble  and  limitless  and  which  conforms
      with  His  nature,  which  is  expansive,  unfathomable,  endless  and  opu-
      lent. That Vaikuṇṭha of infinite wonder, of infinite glory, of infinite maj-
      esty and of infinite omnipotence is eternal and imperishable.
      The Supreme Lord Krishna by whose will and pleasure trillions of uni-
      verses are drama cally displayed by projec on in the material substra-
      tum in the modes of sustenta on and dissolu on; the universes so re-
      plete with 8,400,000 different species of life and full of so many won-

      derfully variegated and amazingly phenomenal crea ons and hosts of

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