Page 11 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 11

sangraha to explain how to understand the real iden ty of the abso-
      lute truth in CC Adi 7.140.

      “Par al realiza on of the Absolute Truth as impersonal Brahman de-
      nies  the  complete  opulences  of  the  Lord.  This  is  a  hazardous  under-
      standing of the Absolute Truth. Unless one accepts all the features of
      the  Absolute  Truth  —  namely  impersonal  Brahman,  localized  Para-
      matma and ul mately the Supreme Personality of Godhead — one’s
      knowledge  is  imperfect.  Sripada  Ramanujacarya,  in  his  Vedartha-
      sangraha,  says,  jnanena  dharmena  svarupam  api  nirupitam,  na  tu
      jnana-matram brahme  katham idam avagamyate. He thus indicates
      that  the  real  iden ty  of  the  Absolute  Truth  must  be  understood  in
      terms of both His knowledge and His characteris cs. Simply to under-

      stand the Absolute Truth to be full of knowledge is not sufficient. In the
      Vedic literature (Mundaka Up. 1.1.9) we find the statement yah sarva-
      jnah sarva-vit, which means that the Absolute Truth knows everything
      perfectly, but we also learn from the Vedic descrip on parasya sak r
      vividhaiva sruyate that not only does He know everything, but He also
      acts accordingly by u lizing His different energies. Thus to understand
      that  Brahman,  the  Supreme,  is  conscious  is  not  sufficient.  One  must
      know how He consciously acts through His different energies. Mayava-
      da philosophy simply informs us of the consciousness of the Absolute

      Truth but does not give us informa on of how He acts with His con-
      sciousness. That is the defect of that philosophy.”

      From the above it is clear that the siddhanta of the Sri Vaisnavas and
      the Madhava-Gaudiya Vaisnavas is fundamentally the same.

               Srila Prabhupada quotes Yamunacarya’s teachings
      In the following morning walk conversa on Srila Prabhupada indicates
      that  the  Sri  Vaisnava  tradi on  of  Vaisnavism  emphasizes  “Lakshmiji
      Pada-sevanam -  Sravana kirtana vishnu smarana pada-sevanam”  and

      that Ramanujacarya is the most prominent acarya in the Sri Vaisnava
      tradi on.  A  verse  from the prominent Alvar saint Yamunacarya, the

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