Page 5 - Ancient Armenia:Sanskrit 'Harers' and the 'Vetz Hazaria' Vedas
P. 5

the key that opened my eyes to the Vetz Hazaria’s contents.

      I have been chan ng the Hare Krishna Mantra for fi y years now.  The root
      word  ‘mana’  in  Sanskrit  means  the  mind  and  ‘tra’  means  deliverance.  By
      chan ng the Hare Krishna mantra and following the process of surrender to
      the will of God through devo on and love, the wonderful experience of re-
      vealed  knowledge  blossoms  in  one’s  consciousness.  As  Socrates  also  ex-
      plained, real knowledge is not learned but remembered because it is innate in
      the collec ve memory of our eternal soul. We were originally with God but
      due to misuse of our free will we separated ourselves from God.

      The allegorical explana on in the Old Testament of the Bible of the fall of Ad-
      am and Eve from the Garden of Eden is an example of the misuse of man-
      kind’s  limited  free  will.  The  result  is  falling  down  into  the  material  world
      where  one  can  con nue  to  refuse  to  serve  God  or  one  can  take  up  again
      God’s service and be liberated from the unending cycle of birth and death.
      Through unalloyed devo onal service one can a ain love of God and finally
      return again to the spiritual world of eternity, bliss and knowledge.
      Gevork  Nazaryan  researched  extensively  through  ancient  manuscripts.  He
      studied  these  pre-Chris an  texts  in  the  Matenadaran  Museum  in  Yerevan
      where  there  is  an  amazing  collec on  of  ancient  manuscripts.  Through  his
      studies he compiled a significant amount of pre-Chris an and early Chris an
      informa on about Armenia. When Armenia became a state-mandated Chris-
       an country (circa 310 AD), there was a brutal effort by Saint Gregory and the
      many foreign Chris an priests he imported into Armenia to completely eradi-
      cate all traces of pre-Chris an Armenian culture and spirituality. The Armeni-
      an Chris ans destroyed Vedic temples in the area of Mush and Sasun (in what
      is  today  eastern  Turkey)  and  many  other  pre-Chris an  pagan  temples  and
      their centers of learning along with manuscripts of precious knowledge that
      would  have  clearly  established  the  debt  Armenia  had  to  the  ancient  Vedic
      literature and civiliza on. The merciless treatment of the non-Chris an tem-
      ples and monasteries in Armenia was instrumental to depriving us today of
      per nent details of our origins in the Vedic past. Please see the following an-
      cient text “History of Daron by Zenob Klag.” Zenob was a Syrian priest who
      became a disciple of Saint Gregory. He wrote the history of how Armenia be-
      came a Chris an country. He focused on the conquest by King Drtad and Saint

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