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P. 8

The perfect life

      There is a saying, whoever made the lock also made the key to open it.
      Without  the  right  key  for  the  lock,  it  very  difficult  or  impossible  to
      open. The only person who can provide the right key for the lock is the
      person who made it. We are dependent on the original creator of the
      lock to be able to open it.

      All beings in this world are mortal. They are locked into the cycle of
      birth and death. The creator of the lock of birth and death is Lord Krish-
      na (God). He has made the key to open the lock. It is the Bhagavad-gita,
      which  is  the  dialogue  between  Arjuna  and  Lord  Krishna.  Arjuna  was
      confused about his real duty in life. He needed answers to his ques ons
      concerning why he was suffering and how to a ain a perfect life.

      Why do people suffer

      Suffering is a message that we have done something wrong. If a child
      misbehaves, the parents or teacher will give some remedial, correc ve
      punishment. The purpose is not to harm the child, rather to train the
      child to stop bad behavior. Similarly, persons who violate the laws of
      society are subject to arrest, arraignment, trial and if found guilty, sen-
      tenced. The en re process is designed to give an alleged criminal the
      opportunity to prove innocence or accept guilt for a crime. If guilty, be-
      fore sentencing, the criminal is given a chance to acknowledge  his
      wrong-doing, apologize and accept the verdict a er due process. If the
      criminal is sentenced jail  me, he is given the opportunity to rehabili-
      tate himself in jail and perhaps be released from prison to live in socie-
      ty again as a law abiding ci zen.

      Similarly, all living en  es were originally in the spiritual world and en-
      dowed with limited free will. By misuse of free will, some living en  es
      decided  to  disregard  God’s  (Krishna’s)  instruc ons.  Their  willful  deci-
      sion to live apart from God to become a dominator and independent
      enjoyer was the cause of their fall down from the spiritual world to the
      material world. The material world is a prison for errant souls who are
      given a chance to rehabilitate themselves to return back to the eternal
      spiritual world. Suffering different miseries in the material world such
      as birth, old age, disease and death are reminders that we have made
      some fundamental mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. The real cause
      of perpetua ng our suffering  is forge ulness  of God whether this is
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